Week two in India and still a lot of impressions and motifs to capture. We were on a temple trip for two days, and are now back at Mahabalipuram—room at the beach.

Room with a view and sound of the Indian Ocean
Tiny booth at the Coleroon River on our way to the backlands
Small temple in the middle of nowhere. Home temple of my wife’s family since 7 generations.
Streets of Kalapettai
Paying road toll for the passage of Kalapettai
Theme park in Chennai
One of several nice guest houses in Mahabalipuram Beach
Cafe and Restaurant at the beach of Mahabalipuram
In the streets of Mahabalipuram
Holy cows everywhere

Find more photos from India/Tamil Nadu in part 1 and part 2 of this series.

Photos taken with iPhone. Partly heavily edited with filters and effects. Trying to capture the sceneries how I’ve seen them just in these particular moments.

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